
The Asian Fluid Mechanics Committee (AFMC) was founded in 1980 in India. The founders of AFMC are Prof. H. Sato (Japan), Prof. M. Narasimha (India) and Prof. Peiyuan Chou (China). And the objective of establishing AFMC was to advance research in Fluid Mechanics in Asia through interaction and exchange of information between workers in the field of Fluid Mechanics.

It has been adopted as a member of the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM) soon after its founding and is the advisory board to ACFM. The scope and range of research activity have been growing during the past years.

Its countries and regions members include China, India, Japan, Indonesia, Singapore, Australia, USA, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Iran, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Sri Lanka etc. The executive council including chairman and vice-chairmen are chronologically listed as follows:

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